Bee Friendly Apiary is proud to volunteer in our community by teaching school-age youth about the wonders of bees and beekeeping. We also offer to teach individuals and groups interested in beekeeping. Mentoring is another way we assist others in learning how to be better beekeepers by sharing our philosophy and methods of keeping bees healthy and productive.

Bee Friendly Apiary’s mission is to help others understand bees by promoting a strong understanding and healthy respect for our pollinators, thus reducing fear and misunderstanding about bees.

Bee Friendly Apiary also offers beginning beekeeping classes. Our approach motivates our students to become advocates for our all our pollinators, especially bees. We practice a hands-on approach, giving those interested in beekeeping their first experience opening a hive and handling the delicate hive ecosystem.

We attend local street fairs and environmental events around Baltimore City. We provide informational handouts and sell our premium local raw honey and hive products
