Welcome to Bee Friendly Apiary and thank you for your interest! We are strongly committed to raising healthy bees in our own hives, as well as promoting the vitality and expansion of the natural bee population.
Our honeybee colonies are located in Baltimore City on private properties and park areas.
Free from Additional Chemical Residues
At Bee Friendly Apiary, we practice good stewardship for bees. By offering a variety of ways to help educate our community about the importance of pollinators, we hope to help others understand the multiple benefits that pollinators like bees have for our daily lives. We are all dependent on the services provided by our friendly bees that help produce about a third of all the food we eat, not to mention the sweet taste of pure, raw honey!
Our bees are raised without treatments, chemicals or antibiotics
By using Russian honey bees and selecting from bee colonies with strong natural characteristics that keep them healthy, we have successfully raised a domesticated strain of bees that have adapted to our region and the challenges that are present. This helps to eliminate the need for conventional apiary interventions like medications and treatments.
By not using treatments or medications, we ensure to our customers that our products are free from the additional chemical residues that are commonly found in commercially-produced honey. The hive products produced in our apiary are raw, minimally processed, and never heated. This ensures the highest quality and most healthful products that retain their full nutrient value.
Bee Friendly Apiary Core
Bees are our mentors, showing us what we need to provide for them. By having a firm understanding about the special needs of bees, we are able to use the natural abilities bees possess in order to help keep them strong and healthy.
Bee Friendly Apiary also believes that educating the public is another way to ensure we have a healthy environment in which to raise healthy bees. A safe environment, free of agricultural chemicals in yards and gardens, that is abundant in plants that bees and other pollinators can forage on, creates a world where bees, butterflies, and all pollinators can thrive.

Bees are one of the most important
pollinators on the planet

Live Structural Removal and Relocation
We specialize in removing honeybee swarms and live honeybee structural removals to ensure the survival of colonies. We also specialize in removing wasp and hornet nests and any other stinging insects.

Hive Products
Bee Friendly Apiary sells its small batch honey in beautiful classic jars that accentuate your kitchen. Our gabled-roofed hives lend an attractive presence to any property.